
"Tyson Foods has been using Aeroflight for our MEL's for over ten years. Aeroflight is a great company to partner with for all your MEL needs. Their customer service is best in class, and they are always there to meet your needs."

– Jesse Simpson, Chief Pilot
Tyson Foods

“Gulf Coast Aviation, Inc. has had Aeroflight complete our Part 135 MEL's for several years.
After we filled out their questionnaires and Aeroflight sends us the completed Part 135 MEL, we have no problems getting them approved by the FAA within days.
They (The FAA) has asked us several times why the other Operators in their district haven't used Aeroflight's service.
My answer to them (The FAA) is the other operator try to complete their MEL using the MMEL and when they get rejected by the FAA, they come to me for help.
To me that is costing them time they can't afford and wasting my time.
Easiest way to go, in my opinion, is Aeroflight Publications.”

-Roger D. Nowling
G C Aviation, Inc.— Quote Source