Meet Us


Isvy Acosta has been with Aeroflight since April 2018 and covers a lot of roles.  She is most likely the person you get to speak to when you call the office.  She is also who prints, packs and ships your MEL’s to you! Isvy helps Lucas and Chris with small corrections or in any other way she can.  She loves getting to speak to all of our customers.

 “Aeroflight has opened my eyes to a whole new world of aviation I didn’t know existed.”

Lisa Schulz was born into Aeroflight; she is the daughter of Chris and handles the bookkeeping and accounting.  After graduating from West Texas A&M with a English Education degree, Aeroflight needed a bookkeeper so she came home to Gruver to fill the title in 2008. Lisa married her husband, Keith, in 2017.  They welcomed their first daughter in 2019 and have two dogs that run the house.  You will find the dogs at work with her daily.

 “I love Aeroflight and cherish that it is our families’ business.  I take great pride in continuing what my dad and Uncle Charlie started thirty plus years ago.”


Chris Johnson started Aeroflight in 1986 with his brother, Charlie.  They began with a new idea and a prayer to be able to provide MEL’s to pilots and customers in need.  Today you can find Chris at the conference table and around the office drinking coffee, doing crosswords in the newspaper and working on MEL’s for customers.  After thirty years of building and working on MEL’s, his knowledge is vast and he enjoys talking them through with customers.  He also still runs the family wheat farm outside of Gruver and enjoys a good weekend on the lake fishing. 

Lucas Johnson is the son of Chris and the main technical writer for Aeroflight.  He works remotely from his home in Nucla, CO.  Lucas started working for and learning the ropes of Aeroflight as a high school student in the late 90’s.  When Luc is away from his computer, you will most likely find him outdoors.  He enjoys hiking with his dog Penne or rock climbing in Colorado or beyond. 


About Us

Aeroflight Publications has provided quality Minimum Equipment List (MEL) services to clients since 1986. We create and provide a complete MEL service for you and your aircraft. This includes a management program, NEF and MEL with all of the procedures and regulations within the same document. We are here to answer questions and help our customers through the entire process taking as much stress off of them as we can.

“Gulf Coast Aviation, Inc. has had Aeroflight complete our Part 135 MEL's for several years.
After we filled out their questionnaires and Aeroflight sends us the completed Part 135 MEL, we have no problems getting them approved by the FAA within days.
They (The FAA) has asked us several times why the other Operators in their district haven't used Aeroflight's service.
My answer to them (The FAA) is the other operator try to complete their MEL using the MMEL and when they get rejected by the FAA, they come to me for help.
To me that is costing them time they can't afford and wasting my time.
Easiest way to go, in my opinion, is Aeroflight Publications.”

Roger D. Nowling
G C Aviation, Inc.
